序序考上UBC, 我也住上了大房子。
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Monday, October 13, 2008
十月是温哥华雨季, 绵绵的细雨就如同我绵绵的思绪, 很多很多。。。
序序得抑郁症, 搞得我也快抑郁了, 做妈妈的只想让她开心, 其实她这个样子, 我早有预感, 太多的困惑在她的成长过程中。
贝加很开心, 她完全把我当妈妈了, 看到她的转变, 我也好开心。
我依旧还是孤独的一个人, 尽管我不想一个人, 可命运偏偏在捉弄我, 就是不给我那个意中人。
序序得抑郁症, 搞得我也快抑郁了, 做妈妈的只想让她开心, 其实她这个样子, 我早有预感, 太多的困惑在她的成长过程中。
贝加很开心, 她完全把我当妈妈了, 看到她的转变, 我也好开心。
我依旧还是孤独的一个人, 尽管我不想一个人, 可命运偏偏在捉弄我, 就是不给我那个意中人。
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
"blue Eyes Boy"
恨久没有来到这里, 似乎忙碌的生活已经让我无暇估计写点生活小片段在这里了。
序序恨懂事了, 一天天长大了。
今天三点半下班, 匆匆在大统华买了三菜的合饭给JAIMIE, 因为我知道她一定恨饿, 回到家,发现她不在家, 打电话又没有人接,有点担心。原来她在比赛羽毛球。。。。后来她又打电话给我, 说晚上要去学校看表演, 因为时间来不及, 要我用车送她。可等到她回到家, 就忙着给自己脸上涂抹, 我就笑她, ”臭美“, 她说她难得”臭美“一次,因为晚上有”BLUE EYES BOYS“的演出。我恍然大悟。
她经常会提起班里那个蓝眼睛的帅哥, 但有一次她说她决定放弃他。。。她有chinese boy, malaysian boy, brown eyes boy....so many boys。。。不过序序很好, 她什么都跟我说, 包括她们好朋友之间的事情。我想女儿和妈妈之间已经没有带勾了, 我更像她的朋友。不过她有时还要我抱抱她。。。
序序恨懂事了, 一天天长大了。
今天三点半下班, 匆匆在大统华买了三菜的合饭给JAIMIE, 因为我知道她一定恨饿, 回到家,发现她不在家, 打电话又没有人接,有点担心。原来她在比赛羽毛球。。。。后来她又打电话给我, 说晚上要去学校看表演, 因为时间来不及, 要我用车送她。可等到她回到家, 就忙着给自己脸上涂抹, 我就笑她, ”臭美“, 她说她难得”臭美“一次,因为晚上有”BLUE EYES BOYS“的演出。我恍然大悟。
她经常会提起班里那个蓝眼睛的帅哥, 但有一次她说她决定放弃他。。。她有chinese boy, malaysian boy, brown eyes boy....so many boys。。。不过序序很好, 她什么都跟我说, 包括她们好朋友之间的事情。我想女儿和妈妈之间已经没有带勾了, 我更像她的朋友。不过她有时还要我抱抱她。。。
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
May the blessing of light be upon you, light on the outside and light on the inside.
With God's sunlight shining on you.
May your heart glow with warmth like a turf fire
that welcomes friends and stranger alike.
May the light of the Lord shine from your eyes like a candle in the winter, welcome the weary traveler.
May the blessings of God's soft rain be upon you falling gently on your head refreshing your soul with the sweetness of little flowers newly blooming.
May the strength of the winds of heaven bless you, carrying the rain to wash your spirit clean, sparkling after, in the sunlight.
May the blessing of God's earth be on you and as you walk the roads, may you always have a kind word for those you meet.
May you understand the strength and power of God in a thunderstorm in winter, the quiet beauty of creation, and the calm of a summer sunset.
And may you come to realize that insignificant as you may seem in this great universe, you are an important part of God's plan.
May He watch over you and keep you safe from harm.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
一大早就被刺耳的噪音吵醒, 突然发现自家门前的小树林被砍走, 露出极为难看,破旧的铁轨, 天铁尽露无疑….我突然意识到, it is a bad day.
这是昨天, 星期一, 三月二十号. 得到确认的通知, 新房子二十二号结交, 银行贷款出了问题, 有可能贷不下来; 现在的房子没有卖出去, 房产经纪告诉我他也很头痛…
终于体会到什么叫煎熬, 我的每一分钟都在经历考验…
I know every trial come to you has the reason, I had to put all my trust on God, asking him to help me, because He loves me so much, and I know He will…
Dear heavenly Father please helps me. You are my shelter, you are my comfort. Pray for me friends there.
这是昨天, 星期一, 三月二十号. 得到确认的通知, 新房子二十二号结交, 银行贷款出了问题, 有可能贷不下来; 现在的房子没有卖出去, 房产经纪告诉我他也很头痛…
终于体会到什么叫煎熬, 我的每一分钟都在经历考验…
I know every trial come to you has the reason, I had to put all my trust on God, asking him to help me, because He loves me so much, and I know He will…
Dear heavenly Father please helps me. You are my shelter, you are my comfort. Pray for me friends there.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Today is my birthday….
• Jaimie is ridiculous, absent from school, cursing words…because she thought this is a game and she wants to win! Stupid! I had to let her to know, she is playing with her own life and she had to response the consequence of her behaviors. I do not know how long it will last, but I hope I am the one to stop her such stupid actions;
• Get my happy birthday card and gift from Tom, thanks so much for all the support;
• Get my pay cheque of freelance postcard design work;
• My ChaiTime print ad design work is approved;
• Get a hug from my co worker;
• Jaimie is ridiculous, absent from school, cursing words…because she thought this is a game and she wants to win! Stupid! I had to let her to know, she is playing with her own life and she had to response the consequence of her behaviors. I do not know how long it will last, but I hope I am the one to stop her such stupid actions;
• Get my happy birthday card and gift from Tom, thanks so much for all the support;
• Get my pay cheque of freelance postcard design work;
• My ChaiTime print ad design work is approved;
• Get a hug from my co worker;
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